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Summer 2025 Day Programs Calendar

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Calendar below shows Hockey Opportunity Summer Camp 2025 sessions available on a first-come, first-served basis**. Upon online enrollment submission, confirmation of registration (via receipt) will be emailed within 72 hours. 

Registrations NOW OPEN - Please note that availability is limited due to our Overnight Programs. 

The camp availability information on this page is updated daily. If you have any questions, please contact our office.

OPEN = Spots still available
LIMITED = Approx. 90% full, enroll now to confirm a spot. 
FULL = No spots available, contact camp for the waiting list option

Register for Hockey Summer Camp, Ontario


July Sessions Week 1
June 29 - July 5
Week 2
July 6-12
Week 3
July 13-19
Week 4
July 20-26
Players (Boys and Girls) OPEN FULL FULL FULL
Goalies (Boys and Girls) OPEN OPEN FULL
August Sessions Week 5
July 27 - Aug. 2
Week 6
Aug. 3-9
Week 7
Aug. 10-16
Week 8
Aug. 17-23
Players (Boys and Girls) OPEN FULL FULL FULL
Goalies (Boys and Girls) OPEN OPEN FOR 2014 -2018 & 2011 FULL OPEN FOR 2011 - 2014


July Sessions Week 1
June 29 - July 5
Week 2
July 6-12
Week 3
July 13-19
Week 4
July 20-26
Players (Boys and Girls) OPEN FULL LIMITED LIMITED
Goalies (Boys and Girls) OPEN OPEN

OPEN FOR 2012-2018  (4 Spots Total)

OPEN FOR 2017-2018  ( 2 Spots Total)

August Sessions Week 5
July 27 - Aug. 2
Week 6
Aug. 3-9
Week 7
Aug. 10-16
Week 8
Aug. 17-23
Players (Boys and Girls) OPEN FULL FULL FULL
Goalies (Boys and Girls) OPEN OPEN FOR 2014 -2018 & 2011 OPEN FOR 2014 - 2018 & 2009 - 2010 OPEN FOR 2011 - 2014