On what would have been the final campfire of HOC 2020, camp director Kevin sits down with Captain Camper to find out all about the summer.
'Captain Camper' Summer Contest Reminder!
Remember the ‘Captain Camper’ contest that we announced at the beginning of summer? We’ll, now’s the time for you to send us your prediction on how many times you saw ‘Captain Camper’ in a social media blog this summer (including today’s blog post).
Contest Rules:
- Only one entry allowed per person
- Entry must be received before midnight, Monday August 31st for entry to be valid.
- You can always look back through the Countdown to 2021 blogs to double check your tally count.
- In the first blog on July 3, 'Captain Camper' showed up twice in the picture so the count started at 2 (two).
- After this first blog, everytime "Captain Camper' showed up in a blog (video or picture) = 1 count.
Click and complete the form AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS BLOG for your chance to win a HOC prize pack. One lucky winner will be drawn randomly from all 'correct count tally' entries submitted prior to the deadline - Midnight, Monday August 31st.